Small Town Italian Sandwich Maker Goes Insanely Viral for Making the Most Chaotic Yet Delicious Looking Sandwiches


Italy is known for their amazing cuisine and cooking style. They truly satisfy the tastebuds like nobody else in the entire world! Pizza, cappuccino, pasta, and sandwiches! Oh baby the sandwiches. Made on freshly baked bread, filled with fresh meats, homemade sauces, perfectly aged cheese, and whatever else to your liking. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. TikTokers have recently discovered an Italian sandwich makers who works in a small town in the historical part of Naples and they LOVE him. 



He isn't your normal viral foodie, he makes his sandwiches like he does not give any f*cks and it's amazing. He's basically broken the internet with how popular his sandwich making videos have gotten. It's not just that he makes delicious looking sandwiches—in fact, that's up for debate within the app. It's that he makes them in the most unhinged way possible. 


Reaction: “It's a disaster, I would eat the f*ck out of it! 10 out of 10”


His name is Donato and goes by @donatodecaprio3 on TikTok. He works for a very small deli that has now blown up in popularity because of his videos. The influx in new customers has gotten so insane, that it has become out of hand for the shop. They're a small town shop with regulars who come in to do their daily grocery shopping, but are now hardly able to even get in. Because of his viralness, the shop has asked him to stop making the videos in the deli because it has just made business way to insane for them. Plus, they'd like to keep their usuals happy as well, and that's hard when there are way more customers than they are prepared for. 




His sandwiches always look delicious, but the technique he uses is truly baffling peoples' minds. He just dives into the sandwich, usually removing the insides of the bread, then piling in uneven piles meats, and veggies, and entire balls of dripping fresh mozzarella. Watching it all insanely unfold, you feel like you should be disgusted, but then he's done and you see the finished masterpiece and wow. It looks beautiful.


Reaction: “Look at that damn smooth ricotta”

 Reaction: “His sandwiches are always super weird, but I always f*cking want one!”


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