Animal Comedy Newsletter

Dog Waits Patiently for Newborn Hooman Baby Brother to Throw the Ball for Him


To dogs, a human is a human, no matter the size. So when they see a tiny human, they start to test out just how much this tiny human can do. Do you think dogs who know to be gentle with kids do that because they know they are just children or because they've been around enough kids to know small humans are more fragile? Either way, some dogs are very good around kids and Wilson the German Shepherd on TikTok is one of those good boys. 


Wilson, the large extra floofy German Shepherd just had a new addition to his human family—a very smol newborn baby brother. Is this his first time hanging out with a human baby? Who knows! But he's definitely taking it slow and testing out to see what exactly this small fleshy puppy can do. 



So, like any good boy would do, Wilson brought his ball to his new baby brother. Nothing like a good game of catch for some brotherly bonding! He slowly approaches the tiny human, drops off his ball in front of him, gives him a gentle lick of encouragement on his newborn baby noggin', and then steps back and waits patiently. Though the baby doesn't even look at the ball, the dog stands there, breathing with excitement, but looking at his brother calmly like, “whenever you're ready, bud.” 



The baby kind of pushes the ball for it to roll maybe an inch or two away from him, and the dog looks a little disappointed—but still has a good big brother smile like, “that's ok, we'll get 'em next time!”


Many viewers are absolutely in love with the siblings interaction. “Dog: ‘Listen, I know you’re new here, but imma need you to get it together,’” one person commented. “The dog is like “well, that’s disappointing,” another said. One person added, “legend has it he still waiting for him to throw the ball.” Even random big time official accounts have commented on the video. The official Walmart TikTok account commented on the video saying, “he’ll be so excited when he can actually throw it!!" AND even the official Cleveland Browns said, ”fetch in about two months is going to be great!"


“Poor pup just wants his baby brother to throw the ball”


Wilson is being the best big brother doggo and he's slowly training his little brother to have the best throwing arm ever when he grows up. 


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