Goat Fails at Sneaking a Snack, Gets Head Stuck in the Stairs, Creates a Beautifully Memeable Situation


Goats aren't known for their grace or intelligence. They're great farm animals to have, don't get me wrong! Heck, they're great to have around for anybody who has a big lawn—they're definitely experts at eating grass. But be warned, they tend to get in silly sticky situations. It's not their fault! They're native to mountain tops so they love to climb things and they're just curious little things that always have the urge to ram their head at things… 


Poor Dobby the goat was simply trying his best and failed miserably—though he seems pretty at peace with it the entire time.




Little Dobby (in the cute sense, not the size sense cause he big, but he still a little cutie) spotted a delicious treat sitting unguarded on the porch steps. A single Cheerio that his mom must have accidentally dropped. He knew this would be his only chance to taste the delights of this treat, so he went for it. He knows he's not allowed on the porch, so he didn't want to appear like he was walking up the steps, so he decided the stealthily sneak up the steps from behind and swipe the Cheerio before anyone could notice he was even near the porch. 





Unfortunately, that was a really bad idea because after he rammed his big ‘ole noggin with his boney ’ole adult goat-sized horns in between the steps he was instantly stuck. Who knows if he even tried to free himself, because when his mom found him he just looked at her like , “oh hey mom, what's up?” Nothing behind those eyes said he was panicked. He had fully accepted his fate of living with his head stuck between those steps for the rest of his life. 




His mom went straight to work to free him of course! It turned out to not be the easiest process. She tried wiggling his head in different ways to get him to slip out, but no luck. She decided to remove the step, but it was made with nails, not screws, so it's a more difficult process than it seemed. She tried pulling the old nails out and even banging away at the step with a hammer. Though she was struggling, Dobby just stayed there with 100% faith in his mom and not a worry in the world. He was either going to be saved by his mom or live there forever—he was cool either way. 


Why, Dobby the goat, why??


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