We cat owners know that most cats have no problem whatsoever letting you know what they want, when they want it, and how urgent their need (whatever it may be) is. However, that kind of trust and comfortability does not happen overnight! Some kitty cats take longer to warm up to their owners than others, and some cats are just more on the shy side. Ain't nothing wrong with that. Nope, not one bit.
We as cat owners want to provide the most enriching and comfortable environments for our cats, and sometimes that can mean catering to their specific personalities. Let's read some tips and tricks for adjusting to life with a shy kitty cat courtesy of Imgur user and feline behaviorist: adrianaontherocks.
First of all, assess your needs as a family/person. If you have a lot of children, you are probably better off avoiding a shy cat, since children are unlikely to understand and respect a shy cat's boundaries.
Secondly, acknowledge that this adjustment time is perfectly normal and could take longer than you anticipated. Imagine you are the cat, adjusting to what is essentially a whole new world! That takes some time, and lots of trust.
A single room with a door that can be closed so your cat understands spatial awareness! He can explore your home at his own pace! Allow your cat to really feel like this room is his, litter, water, the works.
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