Animal Comedy Newsletter

Random Bird Helps UPS Man with Deliveries After Landing on Him and Refusing to Leave, Biting Anyone Who Tries to Remove Him


Sometimes you're just trying to get through the work day, but life throws a wrench into it. That doesn't mean everything has to come tumbling down! TikToker Jennifer aka @jensvines recently posted a video that went viral showing that life might be weighing down on your shoulders, but that weight might just be a lost little bird looking for some company. 


The TikToker was getting a package from the UPS man when all of a sudden a tiny little bird came out of nowhere and landed on the delivery man's shoulder. The bird did not appear to be a native bird from their local wildlife, it looked like a tiny pet parakeet. Maybe the bird had escaped from it's home by accident and then got lost? Or (and more commonly, unfortunately) maybe someone got the little guy but then decided they didn't want him anymore and simply released him into the wild to fend for himself. 



Pet birds are not raised to be able to fend for themselves in the wild, and this bird seemed like it was straight up not having a good time on its own. So when it landed on this delivery man's shoulders, he was like, “I choose you and I am NOT going back out there.” One of the UPS man's customers was trying to remove the bird from this man's shoulder so he could continue on his work route, but the bird bit him. He tried everything, even tried feeding him seeds to lure him away, but this little bird was not budging. 


UPS Man Calls His Boss About the Bird


The UPS man called his boss to see what he should do: 

UPS Man: “I have a bird that just literally on my shoulder right now and he won't leave… And I'm trying to finish working. It just flew up out of nowhere and plopped on my shoulder and just won't leave, so…”
Customer: “He's not lying! I'm a customer, I'm feeding the bird. I'm trying to get it so he can get back to work, but he bit me…”
Boss: “Just a wild bird?!”
UPS Man: “Uhhh… I have no idea, man. By the looks of it, it looks like somebody used to own him. The way he's acting right now, he's just on my shoulder…”

The phone call video gets cut off before we can hear what the final decision on what to do was, but you then see that the delivery man just continued on his route with his new feathery friend just chillin on his shoulder. 


“Yes he did go on a few deliveries!”

“Lil Package”


They named the stray bird “Lil Package” and the delivery man is now a Disney princess. The UPS man says he was simply in the back of his truck putting something back when he heard wings flapping. He just thought it was a passing bird, until this tiny little guy flew right into the truck with him. They stared each other down in confusion for a minute before Lil Package flew up and landed onto the shoulder of this UPS man and refused to leave. 


Photo Op!


The last update on Lil Package is that he went on a few deliveries with the man, but then flew away. But all of the internet was hoping this delivery man would adopt the little guy since he was the chosen one. Some viewers say that when a bird lands on you and refuses to leave, it is a “person from the beyond coming to say hi.” So either way, this was a happy story. 


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