Sister Invites Herself Over For Christmas, Requests That Host's Dogs Be Left Outside

  • 01
    Font - AITA for not locking my dogs outside? Not the A-hole We have two dogs, both small and no higher than your knees. We love Christmas in my family (I prefer Halloween, myself, but still love Christmas) and I got them both Christmas jumpers. We always get them a little bag of treats and toys, too. I only mention this to show how loved they are. My nephew is nearly 9 and afraid of dogs. We don't know why but he's absolutely petrified of them, despite being fine with our late dog, a cavalier. H
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  • 02
    Font - It wasn't an issue until now because of the spring and summer months, and they really love being out in the sun. They like playing out there in the garden with the cats. It is, however, an issue now. Where I live, our autumn and winter months are very cold. I don't want to lock them out in that kind of weather. I've offered to pay for therapy to help him get over the fear and anxiety but she says it's just the way he is and we should accommodate that. Then the real problem crept up. She w
  • 03
    Font - She said that they can go in the shed with their jumpers on with their gifts and they would be fine, and that my nephew deserves to enjoy his Christmas without the dogs. I said he can, just not here. My mother isn't getting involved, my other sister agrees with me and my brother disagrees. I do understand that my nephew is scared of dogs and that isn't his fault, but my dogs aren't at fault either. AITA? Edit: a lot of people are suggesting I put them in a room upstairs but they like to b
  • 04
    Font - FjortoftsAirplane · 1d le Enthusiast [8] Your pets' welfare literally can't be put on hold for anything. They need to be somewhere safe and warm or they'll suffer. They don't stop being warm-blooded because someone's afraid of them. As far as l'm concerned, the shed is a non-option. It's cruel. There's no real argument to be had here. She's asking you to do something cruel to your animals, and it isn't going to happen. NTA, buy your dogs some Christmas treats and have a merry time. G Repl
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  • 05
    Font - SaltyDangerHands · 1d hole Aficionado [11] I was honestly prepared to come in here and tell you it's a kid with a phobia and you can accommodate, but naw, not when they're being demanding, not when they want to shuffle your pets out of sight all day, certainly not when you've offered to pay for therapy and they can't be bothered. NTA. You legit tried to compromise. G Reply +
  • 06
    Font - evolqueen66 · 1d NTA .it's very unfortunate that your nephew is afraid of dogs, that said, if there's nowhere inside the house to put them while he's there--then that's just too bad. Winter and cold weather for smaller dogs regardless of neat little jammies could kill them. Even if it's not so bad, it's not your fault your sister refuses to get your nephew help. Stick to your guns. If you don't feel comfortable with doing it..dont 6 Reply 1 17 3 Partyintheusa_ OP · 1d Thank you for this!
  • 07
    Font - RB1327 • 1d NTA. you have already offered the only correct solution---getting a professional to work with your nephew on this phobia (which has already proved dangerous if he is running in the road to escape dogs). Keep pressing on this as hard as you can. Go back to the other family members and work harder to recruit them to the cause. Dogs are everywhere and this issue if left untreated will really degrade your nephew's quality of life. Reply 1 378 ...
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  • 08
    Font - EngineeringDry7999 · 1d Partassipant [1] NTA. Love her inviting herself you your house for the holidays then demanding you cater to what she wants. That's all kinds of rude. You have the right to enjoy your home the way you see fit and she has the right to go elsewhere that is dog free. 6 Reply 1 28 + ...
  • 09
    Font - LiesAreLikeStars • 1d Partassipant [4] NTA. This is yours and your dogs' home, and your sister has zero right to dictate what goes on. She should host Christmas herself or deal with her son's issues if she wants to spend it at your place. It doesn't sound like you're going to give in, so just hold steady and don't let her convince you otherwise. 6 Reply 1 170 3 +
  • 10
    Font - megs_in_space · 1d NTA, your sister is enabling the kid. If its really that bad then he does need therapy, it is already causing drama within the family and that will continue if he doesn't get help. Your dogs deserve to be comfy in their own home. 6 Reply 1 943 +
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  • 11
    Font - Twallot • 1d NTA. Your sister is neglecting her son. Full stop. It's not "fine" for him to be like that and she should be getting him help. It's impacting his life negatively and others around him. G Reply 1 15 3 +
  • 12
    Rectangle - Katabri • 1d Partassipant [1] NTA. Your house, your rules. G Reply 19 3 +


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