Howlarious Coyote Memes, Stories And Appreciation

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    Font - solarpowerz 1 point · 10 minutes ago Coyotes are very shy gentle creatures. They don't want to mess with humans. They are excellent parents. Coyote attacks on humans are incredibly rare and only occur when humans have encroached on the coyotes territory so the coyotes can't raise their babies without feeling threatened- virtually the only time a coyote will attack is if someone gets between them and their kids. They will eat small pets so one has to be mindful of that, but the coyotes hav
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    Organism - 00000 Sprint ? 5:21 PM A 99% Tweet t3 You Retweeted Allison Pohle @AllisonPohle Someone in the neighborhood Facebook group my mom belongs to washed a coyote because they thought it was a dog Twinsburg Roundtable Yesterday at 10:56 PM · Lost dog found on Chamberlin rd, no collar, and seems to be a bit aggressive. Also doesn't like baths but she was pretty dirty. Took most of the night, but she's resting comfy now on the bed. Tweet your reply Q
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    Organism - Twinsburg Roundtable Yesterday at 10:56 PM • Lost dog found on Chamberlin rd, no collar, and seems to be a bit aggressive. Also doesn't like baths but she was pretty dirty. Took most of the night, but she's resting comfy now on the bed.
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    Vertebrate - There is a cute stray dog on my porch u/nephilis
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    Plant - Rdubdanger • 50d This is the Coyote that lives in my back yard.... We call him, Carlitos
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    Carnivore - Found this little darling while running bya or collar and seems really skittish. I lured her into a crate in the back of my truck with a bunch of doggy treats. If this is your dog message me, I can this morning, no tags only foster her for a short time, she has been acting aggressively towards my 2 young kids and poodle growling and gritting her teeth at snapping at us all. Tnx so much, Like · Comment
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    Carnivore - The American Howling Retriever is a breed of dog with extremely coyote like features. In fact, the only difference between it and a common coyote is my refusal to ever admit l've made a mistake and all the benadryl I keep giving it so it won't maul me.
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    Smile - This girl rescued a coyote thinking it was a dog. His wtf face is priceless.
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    Dog - COYOTE ALERT Coyotes have: Bushy black-tipped tails Some fur An EAR The respect of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson IF A COYOTE APPROACHES: COYOTES ARE ATTRACTED TO: -DO NOT TRY TO RIDE IT -Trash -Stand tall with arms overhead -Compost -New age mysticism -Outdoor pet food -The pan flute -Shout in loud, aggressive voice: "I LOVÉ EGGS" -Stomp your feet and repeatedly chant: "EGGS! EGGS! EGGS!" -Discarded blood -Wizards -Do not turn your back or run -Keep shouting "EGGS!" -Eventually, the coyote wil


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