
Heartwarming Note From A Dad Who Passed Away Was Found 9 Years Later Carrying An Encouraging Message About Beekeeping


Nobody has perfect parents. 


In fact, sometimes parents can get overwhelming and difficult to deal with at times. However, there are other times that parents are able to share a priceless piece of wisdom that can alter the course of your life, passions, and hobbies forever. And especially after a parent or loved one has passed away, those words of wisdom are even more precious. 


There's probably a lot of strange things you find out about your parents after they pass away. After sifting through 5 pairs of pastel colored short shorts from your Dad's 80's days, it might be a bit deterring to dig deeper, but parent lives are super important to derive wisdom from. And maybe for some people, that's simply the wisdom that no man needs that many colors of the same dolphin shorts. Period.


But even after their lives on this Earth, you may find out after your parents passing that they had beautiful hobbies you never understood. Maybe they loved wood working or secretly played geriatric beach volleyball or, in this case, they loved beekeeping. 


Yeah, bees are even kind of scary-- That's why the note that this young man found in the attic 9 years after his father's passing struck a chord. 





Is someone cutting onions in here? 


Although it's a little morbid to be writing notes for your children to find somewhere random in your home post-mortem, it is incredibly heartwarming on the receiving end of this letter. Not only do you discover your father's passion, but you also learn that he is encouraging you (from beyond the grave) to pursue your own passions! And in dear-old-dad's humble opinion, bees are a great place to start.


And no, this isn't like the time you played soccer as a kid… that was probably an example of your parents forcing their hobbies on you. Was it a bad experience? Not necessarily. But this is not at all like that. Paternally suggesting your next-of-kin to try something new and a little scary as a hobby is a bit different than that. 


The point is, it's much more heartwarming to find an encouraging letter that tells you to pursue your passions as an adult, than to be shoved on a sweaty grass field to be tackled by murderous children with nothing but an orange slice and a Capri Sun as a reward. So dream big, kids. And if that means making candles out of homemade bees wax and selling the bee honey, get after it. Dad told you it would be worth-while from the afterlife, so if you're going to take anyone's advice, listen to his final wishes. 


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