DON’T buy that activewear if you can help it
You're invested in changing your unhealthy habits? Great! You want to improve your overall mood by working out? Awesome! You think some lululemon leggings is going to make that happen? Wrong! You're going to put yourself in extra debt all because of some luon fabric. Any old t-shirt and sweats/leggings will do!
DON’T be a hoarder
What I mean by this is that it's perfectly okay to embrace the New Year's cliché of getting rid of excess baggage. Sell your junk! Get rid of anything that holds no meaning in your life. You'll pocket some cash in the process AND gain some peace of mind.
DON’T use your credit card for groceries
It's been proven that using only the money you know for certain you have will make you a better food shopper. You won't be adding that extra pack of beer and 3 cans of whipped cream if you know you don't have the funds in your current account to make that purchase.
DON’T ogle over perfect Instagram profiles
This bears repeating even if it's a broken record at this point: Social media is just a highlight reel! Staring at someone else's life on Instagram isn't going to make you any happier. They took that vacation you couldn't afford right now? Good for them. She got her boyfriend a Peloton? Maybe he really needed it. You're doing so good! You have all you need; try embracing that frame of mind instead.
DON’T invest if you can’t afford to
We all should've put in some money right before Facebook took off, amiright? I know I should have! But not every investment makes for good investing. Hell, most are straight-up vacuums, no matter how promising and worth it your financial advisor 'friend' says they are.
DO, however, start learning the ins and outs of crypto
You may just have what it takes to be then next Sam Bankman-Fried, you just need some time to really do your homework on this one.
DO start paying off your debts, but be smart about which you’ll be paying off first
Picture this: You borrowed money from your friend—several nights in a row. You owe her for pizza, sushi, that new bra, maybe rent? Even still, she will understand if you're a little behind on paying her back. Now shift over to those student loans that have been responsible for your late-night migraines the past few years. Those repayment messages won't cease until you start feeding that beast. So, chop to it!
DO start putting money aside for a rainy day
Spare change goes a long way. Remember Journey to the Center of the Earth? Okay okay, so it's not that simple to fly to Iceland with some coins stored in glass jars. HOWEVER, you may have some nice dinners in your future if you hold onto loose dollar bills and store them somewhere you rarely check. This will not only keep you from overspending on unnecessary crap, but putting away bits of cash here and there adds to the mystery. You're mining your own little treasure, ladies.
DO be up-to-date with your bank!
Not only should you be in touch with your local branch about new offers, interest payments, and the like, but you should be making sure your bank apps are updated. There's nothing worse when you need to search your recent transactions only to get a pop-up message that your app is out-of-date. It's the worst!
DO treat yo self…but not right away
Maybe take yourself out for drinks a little while AFTER that New Year's hangover lifts. And we all know how long that can take. A good way to yourself in the future this is making your birthday plans now so when the time comes, you'll celebrate it as lavishly (and smartly) as you can!
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