
'Believe it or not I'm a complete catch' Insecure Man Aggressively Threatens to ‘Lose Interest’ in a Woman After She Doesn’t Return His Call


We've all had our fair share of terrible dating experiences. But sometimes you come across a story that just blows your freaking mind. And ladies and gentlemen, today we have the ‘pleasure’ of sharing with you this infamous voicemail that a woman received from a man she literally just met on the street.

In case anyone was still wondering, yes, men do in fact still have the audacity. Perhaps more than ever before. Shall we just get into the video already?


Let's Watch


Yeah, that surely was a lot. In case you need to visualize those spectacular words, we've transcribed it as well for you:


"It's Dimitri calling again, the guy from the street. I left you a message several days ago. I don't like leaving second messages but I like you. You're a very elegant woman, you're very attractive. But I don't play that game. So here's how it's going to work. If I do not receive a phone call back from you by 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, I am no longer interested. I'm very intelligent, I'm great in bed, I make great money, believe it or not, I am a complete catch. Matter of fact I'm one of the few men in this city that has nothing wrong with him. Now I understand if you've got other issues. I don't know, maybe you were abused in childhood, maybe you're just a person who's extremely frightened or has some anxiety disorder. Maybe you're on some medication for that. I don't know, there could be another issue. If you're psychologically normal and you haven't called me because there have been some horrible things happening in your life that have prevented you, that's fine, otherwise…"


This video was posted by TikTok user @doingrelationshipsright, a popular life coach on the platform. She clarifies in the caption that this audio is in fact not hers. She just felt the need to share it with the world. And we totally get her impulse. She wrote:


Thank you @mollydareofficial for sharing this!! I can’t even! 🙄#doingrelationshipsright #datingafterdivorce #jenniferhurvitz #datingstorytime #datingsucks #datinglife #datingfails #datinggonewrong #doingdatingwrong @DATING COACH-JENNIFER HURVITZ


If this dating coach could get us through this voicemail, we would definitely be interested in utilizing her services. But hopefully, we'll never have to hear something like this again.


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