Entitled Dad Is So Rude to Waitress That She Quits and Walks Out in the Middle of Serving Them

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    When I was a kid my dad treated a waitress so poorly she quit in the middle of serving us.

    The world owes me nothing.
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    When I was a kid my dad treated a waitress so poorly she quit in the middle of serving us
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    When I was a kid my dad treated a waitress so poorly she quit in the middle of serving us
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    When I was a kid my dad treated a waitress so poorly she quit in the middle of serving us
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    When I was a kid my dad treated a waitress so poorly she quit in the middle of serving us


    I rolled my eyes at this. As a former host, I hated when people would do this. We put you at a certain table for a reason. If you want a specific table, ask first. If you're nice, we'll get you there if we can.



    I had absolutely no clue that this is something people do. I think the biggest thing I've ever done is ask if we could maybe have a booth instead of a table with chairs.

    Other than that, what's the difference [between] these magical tables that they want?



    I never understood. I get the booth over [a] table, or outside over inside, or even requesting a certain server. But anything else? I don't get it.



    It was probably less about the merit of the individual tables and more about the high he got from the establishment capitulating to his whimsy.


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    tweak0 OP

    I was going to give some sort of wise, measured response about learning by bad example; but I saw your username and laughed so hard I had to get up and go to the bathroom. Anyways, I forgot exactly what I was going to say so let's just assume it was poignant.



    so let's just assume it was poignant.

    It was. It was so poignant, I got teary-eyed.

    Now for the real stuff... WTF with your dad? Is he still alive? Did he learn anything from that experience? Did you ever call him out on it?

    Did he have some terrible childhood that made him want to pretend he was elite?


    tweak0 OP

    Well, to answer the last part first: yeah, probably. His parents lived through the Nazis occupying their country before leaving for the US with almost nothing, and they ended up becoming pretty harsh people. The other story I tell about him (and probably them) is that he used to keep two bowls of candy for trick-or-treaters, one with expensive candy and one with cheap candy. The white kids with nice costumes got the expensive stuff, and everybody else got the cheap stuff.

    Trying to look back and deconstruct this stuff ... you really just have to laugh at his insane it is. I don't think he ever learned any lessons, as far as I know, no server ever brought justice down upon him. I'd hope that 25 years later he had at least mellowed. I guess maybe he felt he only existed if he was getting attention and it didn't matter if it was good or bad.

    I unfortunately never confronted him on this. We did have a blowout when I was 14.


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