Worker Faces Significant Pushback After Acting Out For Pay Raise

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    First, she revealed how the worker in question had wanted a bigger pay rise than what he had previously received.

    Font - r/AmltheAsshole u/Pojie-throwaway • 1d 3 1 2 2 e1 AITA for accepting a staff members resignation and then refusing to give them their old job back? Not the A-hole Throwaway account due to work related AITA post. I'm also on mobile so sorry for any formatting issues. A brief background - I (33f) am a senior manager and preparing to take over from one of the directors and take on their role. Three months ago, I accepted the resignation of one of my staff members (29m), wished them well and
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    After the process for this was laid out, he seemed to act out instead of pursuing it.

    Font - I had previously told him to put together a case which showcased why he was entitled to more pay. I would review it and make a decision. Its worth noting that I do this with all my staff and we discuss formally pay related queries and this exercise allows me to see this from my staff's point of view. Instead of doing as I asked, the staff member began posting reviews about the company and why we are bad to work for, including how we do not value colleagues and will not pay them for additi
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    This all led up to his resignation, which backfired on everyone involved.

    Font - Now to the AH issues - The day after I accepted the resignation of my staff member, I got a message on Facebook from his GF, telling me how much of an AH I was as l'd ruined their chances of buying a house as l'd accepted his resignation. I clarified that I hadn't fired him, he had resigned of his own will. It turns out, he had handed in his resignation, thinking I would have offered him more money to stay. He didn't have another job to go into. He too, called me an AH, reported me to HR
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    Font - He called me an AH, told me I had ruined his life and he couldn't get another job. I really don't see myself as the AH here, I'm attempting to ensure the company I work for isn't damaged, and the childish behaviour of "T'Il hand in my notice so I get a payrise" really doesn't sit well with me. I'd rather my staff feel like they have earned what they get and feel like they're growing, not just getting handouts. So AITA?
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    While many Redditors understood the pain of workplace negotiation, most were not sympathetic to the way in which the former employee had acted.

    Font - Agreetedboat123 1d Partassipant [4] NTA, this person probably played dumb games - but you and your compnay sound at risk for being assholes about pay. Making people justify raises rather than proactively ensuring pay equity that matches performance and responsibilities is totally exploitative, even if standard. Also, in a year of 6% inflation, a 2% (that he had to ask for) is more like a 4% pay cut. Edit: remove the addendum above, OP has equity in mind and inflation is half what it is in
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    Font - TeepShow76 1d Certified Proctologist [22] I'm not really sure on what planet anyone would find that you are at fault here... Obviously NTA. There's literally no dilemma here. G Reply * 1.5k 3 Pojie-throwaway OP • 1d I wish it was that simple. I'm hounded on my personal social media right now by his friends and family, calling me everything and how pathetic I am for not giving his job back. It has made me question if I was I any way in the wrong recently, which lead me to posting here.
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    Font - saltedfish 1d Asshole Enthusiast [6] NTA. How could you possibly think you're an asshole here? Kid played stupid games, won stupid prizes. He thought he had way more weight to throw around than he did. His shitty plan backfired and now he doesn't want to sleep in the bed he made for himself. Let him cry about it. 6 Reply 企 616 Pojie-throwaway OP • 1d I felt ridiculous even posting this here. The post came off the back of me been sent multiple messages yesterday and today from his friends
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    Font - ThrowawayforMILBS 1d Asshole Aficionado [18] NTA i needed like, a paragraph here tops to conclude that. Even a 29 year old is a bone head if they think quitting is a path to more money, as opposed to, say, Demanding a raise on a timeline and providing business justifications to that effect. This is something a child would do. One is never an asshole in a professional setting to accept a letter of resignation unless one sincerely wants to attempt to negotiate. I want to add, that If you're
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    Font - ThrowawayforMILBS 1d Asshole Aficionado [18] look the only precedent you set was that you will attempt to renegotiate to retain employees you value, and who add value. I take it employee #1 ws Not bluffing and indeed attempted to resign? well; there you go. Anyone who resigns needs to be ready to resign. Period. No bluffing and then crying when your bluff is called. Thats middle school crap. youre still fine. 1 139 3 hopalongsmiles 1d He's even more of a moron if that's the case. You gave
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    Font - Megmca 1d Partassipant [1] I'm a real fan of the anti-work subreddit and the Great Resignation. I think our economy can only benefit from workers standing up to shitty bosses and shitty companies and demanding better pay, benefits and working conditions. That said THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT. NTA


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