Vacations used to be so carefree and relaxing when we were kids. The days obviously coincided with our school schedule and we got to return to the classroom with a nice glow and probably intricately braided hair. What could be stressful about that? For adults, taking a vacation is a whole different rodeo. First, there's the stress of asking your boss for the days off, or if you're your own boss, there's the stress of telling your employees you will abandon them for however long. Then you need to budget, plan, coordinate with your family or friends. By the time you actually get on the plane you've probably had several acute panic attacks and barely have any energy to have "fun," whatever that is. But hey, it's vacation, we must at least try to enjoy it! Ignore those emails, take those deep breaths, get that 2nd 3rd, and 4th cocktail! There are no rules on vacation.
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