
15+ Self-Proclaimed Geniuses Who Have Nothing to be Smug About

  • 1

    You think in 3D? Pathetic...

    Ecoregion - bumble My personal hell is... Stuck in a conversation with someone who doesn't have the capacity for 4th dimensional thinking

    In what world does someone swipe right on this flavor of smug pretentiousness? Unless of course, this person is just a master troll. It's pretty hard to tell these days.

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  • 2

    Just a random bean ruining friendships

    Sky - Today at 9:20 PM I'm just good at math and science. Specifically Il've ruined online friendships over debates of black Holes and space-time laws of physics with people Sooo Like Just a random bean with science/math skills xd
  • 3

    Big eye-roll

    Font - Who here has been in a mixed-intelligence relationship O 176 27 403 3,601 Replying to I'm about 15-20 points higher than my wife. There are practically no women at my level, so this is the best I could do, considering her other qualities. She's in the 90th percentile for her sex. Communication is sometimes difficult, but with love and patience we make it work. Tweet vour reply
  • 4

    Smartest show ever

    Font - It takes actual brains and intelligence to (1) Understand Family Guy (2) Get the jokes in Family Guy (3) Not ask stupid questions bout the jokes in Family Guy

    Okay, this is so dumb it's actually hilarious. A+ shitpost, OP. 

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  • 5


    Organism - •.. 1d After catching myself explaining neutron degenerancy pressure to a 7 year old, I have officially realized that elementary school students are too young for me. I'm a middle school teacher 2 Comments

    7 year olds are so dumb lmao. 

  • 6

    Who hurt you?

    Font - There are plenty of times when I'll go online, and see two idiots throwing the phrase dunning-kruger back at each other. Look at that, I called them idiots, intelligence gives me this falsetto superiority complex. My IQ is 130, and I would say I reap the benefits of it. Once you get an IQ over 126 you are less likely to succed in life due to the correlation between intelligence and mental illness. Well, I'm not exception to that, I have OCD, Anxiety, Depression, and Bipolar, the big 4. Bu

    I'm not reading all that, but I'm happy for you. Or sorry that happened.

  • 7

    Poor kid

    Font - Quora Open in App 3 1 Quora uses cookies to improve your experience. Read More So l'm 13, and I think my IQ is 125- 130+, I am definitely extremely Intelligent. But IQ test are still "difficult" for me. Are IQ test difficult for everybody? Or could it theoretically mean l'm stupid? ఎ Answer Follow Request More 040
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  • 8

    Please be satire

    Font - ... Tam a thinker by nature and my X ray vision can't help but penetrate every matter to it's depths, explore it not just mentally or intellectually but also metaphysically and spiritually, my analogies and observations are unsettling for many dimwits here so l will stop now ha ha

    Please be satire. Please be satire. 

  • 9

    You must be fun at parties

    Font - In six words or fewer, write a story about this photo. #sixwordstory #WritingCommunity 4,565 27 4,488 4,563 Replying tol Um six words or fewer is not a story, it is a sentence, it is a statement, it is a phrase, question, answer. It is everything but a story. You simply cannot construct a story with only six words or less. It is just grammatically incorrect and very nerve wracking to call it that
  • 10

    And then everyone clapped

    Font - r/atheism 25m Destroyed someone in an argument We were in a zoom and I noticed someone with a cros on their necklace. I told him "take that off you're just supporting a imaginary man" and Imao he couldn't ever come up with a good argument he just responded "You don't believe him and I respect that but I do believe in him" I just replied with "I don't believe in him because I do not bother myself with such dumb things". I almost revealed my true intelligence and absolutely destroy him but
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  • 11

    Mr. Engineer coming in hot

    Product - how do you know someone's an engineer.? they'll tell you! Like · Reply · 5 d 13 do you know why? Because most people are goddamned morons compared to us. The average engineer has, literally, a genius level IQ- the college kid getting a C+ on his engineering exams is probably smarter than 95% of anyone you knew in college. We learn more math and science before even starting our engineering degrees than most people do in a lifetime. We know more than you, we think faster than you, and we
  • 12

    I'm so smart, I don't even think

    Rectangle - •.. I have no internal monologs. IQ 137 officially government tested with a psychiatrist. I think having no voice is a sign of out of the box thinking, more right brained, and a sign of creative genius

    Small brain: thinking, considering, and comprehending. Galaxy brain: ...

  • 13

    Are you alright?

    Font - 4h He took it quite well. 6 Reply 金 131 • 2h I think you mean he took it alright 4 138 1h I think you mean he took it "all right". He probably needs the studying - perhaps you and him could go on a Starbucks date. Source: The guy who paid attention in Middle School. -right/ 金 -131
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  • 14

    Got him

    Organism - "People run from rain but sit in bathtubs full of water." Charles Bukowski (via bittersweetsongs) | Wow bukowski so profound do you also bathe fully clothed you dickhead. "Oohh isn't it funny that a person will eat when they're hungry but will duck if you throw an apple at their face"

    There's a reason why Bukowski was every incel's champion when I was a teenager. Sure, he could be an insightful writer sometimes. But he was also full of empty platitudes. 

  • 15

    So humble

    Font - 19d Lmao why do people write like this. You sound like a pseudointellectual idiot lol G Reply + • 19d I'm not going to indulge a heated altercation with an online identity, but if you're going to flail derogatory insults - expend an effort in understanding them first. 'Pseudointellectual' implies a willingness, on my part, to exert the impression of being an intellectual character. On the contrary, I couldn't give a rat's arse about what you, or anybody else has to say on the matter. It's
  • 16

    Why is it always an anime pfp?

    Cheezburger Image 9664717824


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