Chicken Farmer Gets Praise for Fearlessly Relocating a Snake That Was Snoozing Under a Chicken Like It Was a Bed & Breakfast


One of the biggest fears for a chicken farmer are snakes. I don't mean ophidiophobia (an extreme, overwhelming fear of snakes), I mean the fear that a snake will eat up all your eggs, chicks, or in some cases, your full grown chickens. 


However, all good chicken farmers know to look up their local predators, and this is especially important for snakes. When you learn about snakes you can figure out just by how they look, which snakes are venomous and which are harmless. (Well, harmless to you, not your chickens' eggs, they'll eat those…) A chicken farmer on TikTok posted a video that went viral that showed exactly why this is so important. 

Fallon Ramsey raises chickens in her home, along with other various creatures—however, snakes are not one of them. So when she noticed a strange scaly thing next to the eggs under one of her chickens she had to double take. Luckily, she made a point to educate herself on the local snake population and immediately was able to determine that this cozied up guy was not venomous. 


However, this comfy little snake had eaten one of her chicken's eggs and was now taking an extra warm snooze under the oblivious chicken mom. So Ramsey had to evict the slithery guest ASPA. 

One of the funniest parts of this video is the neighboring hen in the nest box pecking at the farmer like the snake was her friend. Before the farm pulled the snake out from the mulch, the hen was pecking at her hand as if to say, “hey! He's chill, leave him alone. He's paid up until Wednesday. I'm trying to run a business here!” However, the second the snake finally popped his head out from beneath the bedding, that hen quickly shut up. When the farmer started to pull the snake out, you see the once spicy hen now silent just watching the snake being airlifted out of there. 


The farmer is getting praise because she was not only extremely calm for the entire situation, she also treated the harmless snake with great kindness and gentleness. Since she knew the snake was not venomous, she just tapped him awake, resisted the urge to boop the cute danger noodle's snoot, told him she was there trying to reach him about his car's extended warranty, and then just scooped him up, bare handed, and gently carried him to a spot far away from the coop. 

Many viewers are impressed with the way this farmer was so calm during the entire situation. She just grabbed the little fellow, barehanded, and wasn't worried at any moment. However, chicken farmers from around the world are commenting that it's just part of the job. Even Australian farmers come across much deadlier snakes than the one in the video, say it's just part of the job—snake education is a must for farmers not just to protect your animals, but also to humanely remove snakes since they are also a very important part to their ecosystem. 


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