Epic Poor Man Rolls Up to a Luxury Car Rally in a Custom Cardboard Sports Car


Everyone dreams of being really, really, really, ridiculously rich. Some people even flex to pretend that they're richer than they actually are in order to gain status. For people who love cars, sports cars specifically, the ultimate flashy flex of your wealth is to own a luxury car. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mclaren, Range Rover, Tesla, Porsche, BMW-- take your pick.


However, the price point of many of these cars is what makes them exclusive to the rich. So what is a poor person to do if they want to fit in with the elite, powerful, and famous? Fake it.


One man took this to the extreme and showed up to a luxury car rally in a cardboard Frankenstein creation of his own.



It appears that this innovator used an old Buick Regal as the base for the world's most incredible cardboard sports car build that anyone has ever seen. Using carious shapes of cardboard flaps paired with industrial grade black tape, this man stole the show at the Cars and Coffee vehicle fest in New Hampshire. 


All eyes turned towards this paper mache contraption, no doubt in awe of the craftsmanship paired with the custom finishes that all car lovers can appreciate. The point of a luxury vehicle is to be eye catching, right? If so, this man certainly achieved that. 



Not only were the tack on cardboard pieces covering up a busted bumper, but the seamlessness of the finished skirt as it wraps around the entirety of the car shows attention to detail as well as innovative expertise. Not only that, but this man built his own hood vents, a spoiler, and he included customized interior seating. Aka: a plastic lawn chair. 




The chair has me. 



The spoiler is beautifully crafted as well, check out the structure on this bad boy? Imagine how many rolls of duct tape this required.


As a rich person, how do you not look at this car and think “Wow, this guy deserves to be one of us”. 


This man belongs. This man is forward thinking. This man is a doer and a thinker, an icon. If there were such a think as clout by proximity, this man would have it. Honestly, this car is more eye catching and entertaining than any other car on the lot. He stole the show. Is that not the point of a luxury vehicle? To set yourself apart and have something custom, personalized, and dazzling? 


If so, I think he nailed it. 




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