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There's nothing better than a family member who preys on other members of the family's kindness. These entitled a-holes count on you not standing up for yourself to get their way and take advantage of you. There's always the vague, implied threat of drowning you in controversy and drama should you dare to speak up. At that point, it would be your word against theirs, and you might find yourself further shocked at how many family members end up taking their side.
Grifters can never be satisfied with what they're already taking, so things naturally escalate to the point where enough is enough, and you need to take that stand.
That's precisely what happened when u/armandoL27's entitled cousin decided to park them into their driveway. The cousin had been leaving for the local airport and wanted to avoid paying for parking. So, he parked directly behind his cousin's work truck without asking and took his keys with him on the flight.
u/armandoL27 decided he wasn't dealing with this baloney and had the car towed so that he could go to work.
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