What's a drama, a sci-fi, immense fandom, cash cow and emotional rollercoaster all combined into one? That's right, it's the Star Wars franchise. The extended universe spewed up from the brain of George Lucas is responsible for some of the most iconic pop culture moments for almost half a century, and that's no mean feat.
Even today, you'd be hard pressed to find a kid who wouldn't get hold of a cardboard tube and try to use it as a lightsabre (although admittedly, it might trail behind the eternal classics of telescope and sword).
Of course, that isn't even necessary when there are countless replicas on the market, that come in varying degrees of expensiveness and maybe aren't even a good idea to give to kids at all. Never mind, if they want to geek out on Star Wars and nurture their budding internet addictions at the same time, they can look at some of these memes instead.