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Having hundreds of gallons of water pumped into your house is a lot like a relationship, in that communication is key. This customer didn't want to have a free alarm installed, and when told they might be mistaken, insisted on having their totally-not-empty water tank filled up again. As it so happens, they refused to listen to any expertise on the subject and ended up with a living room filled with 800 gallons of cool, refreshing water.
Extreme water damage is something that we wish upon almost no one, but if this customer had made even the slightest effort to fully understand what was happening under their own roof, they wouldn't have ended up living in a lake. Who is there to blame when you repeatedly demand to have your house flooded? It's not like this was even the easiest way to go about things. There was a procedure they could have followed, but apparently lions don't concern themselves with the standard operating procedures of water delivery.
For another fun customer interaction, here's the employee who reversed a customer's coin revenge by counting it all out.
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