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A pretty common way to "get back" at the people fining you is by paying that fine in a really inconvenient way, such as this tenant who got an unfair fine and paid in 37 installments. These plans are usually pretty awesome, but if you're not paying the person who wronged you directly, you run the risk of only inconveniencing the poor employee who made the mistake of working for a company who keeps screwing people over. And having to be the customer service meat shield for an organization that makes tons of people angry isn't fair to the employees.
This lady came in expecting the usual "shock and awe" of paying in hundreds of quarters, but she just so happened to give them to an employee who was fully prepared to take things to their logical extent. That being, counting out all the coins to make sure this was the right amount of legal tender.
Who knows if this lady had a terrific reason to try and inconvenience someone. She just seems to have pointed her inconvenience at the wrong person. This woman was hoping to get some kind of reaction for her intense feelings, but in the end she was offered no quarter.
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