Do you ever just look at some guy in the grocery store, at the park, in line at chipotle and just think to yourself, damn, that man was meant to be a dad. Some people just fit the aesthetic so closely. Perhaps it's their glasses, slightly ill-fitting pants, or outdated sneakers. Maybe it's the fact that they are pushing a kid in a stroller, but no, that's far too obvious.
It's funny because when we were in college nobody really 'looked like a dad,' they mostly looked like frat guys, quite possibly the farthest thing from a father figure. But we suppose something happens in a man's mid-to-late twenties where suddenly they shape-shift into a dad-looking-a$$ creature. Or maybe it's not them at all, maybe we just get older and start hoping that every guy around us is hoping to be a father because we know deep down that we're ready for kids. Damn, that's meta, enjoy these Tweets.
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