Our deepest, darkest, most embarrassing stories often are centered around broken hearts, public humiliation, or bodily malfunction. But for one woman, her embarrassing trauma takes the cake and gets all three.
Rach, aka @raeychowl, is a young woman much like any other. She's cute, funny, and relatable, and just so happens to shares stories from her life to her 50k followers. Recently, she just shared a tell-all tale of apoopalyptic proportions, which is a story that most people would bury with their unspeakables.

Rachel starts from the beginning. Explaining that she volunteered to take her good friend, Austin, to and from his colonoscopy appointment. So, being a good friend, she accepts. After dropping him off and killing some time, she comes back to the recovery room and the nurses say that he's almost ready to go. When he woke up, Rachel explained to him that when they take out his IV, she's definitely going to have to leave for a second because she passes out when it comes to needles and stuff. Austin insisted she stay with him.
“Me being the dumb person I am, I was like OKAY”

So she looked away but that didn't help at all. Feeling like she might pass out, Rachel leaned on the bed and tried to steady herself until…
BOOM. She's out.
She woke up to a very loopy Austin and a very concerned nurse in front of her asking if she was okay. She insisted she was fine until she was sitting there and realized she felt kind of funny. It was at that moment that she realized that she sh*t her pants.

Jokingly, the day before, she took a shot of Austin's medical grade laxative and then they went for Mexican food and she assumed it was that, because she had never soiled herself in her life. So she turned to Austin with wide-eyed horror and says, “I just sh*t my pants”. At that point, it was coming out the front of her shorts and she was trying to hold it all in because it was going to spill onto the chair and the floor. They both panicked and Rachel reached up for the emergency button with her disgustingly wet hand and calls for a nurse.
They rush in, load Rachel into a wheelchair (because of course, she just fainted so she can't be walking yet), and they took her off to the bathroom to clean her up. Once she was hosed down, they dressed her in a pair of scrubs and had Austin call another friend for a ride. Rachel's clothes, phone, and belongings were all soiled.
Sure enough, Austin's friend shows up in a Mustang with ANOTHER friend in tow. Rachel and Austin load into the back of the sports car, smelling like death, decay, and raw sewage.

Fortunately, Rachel was a good sport about the whole thing claiming with an ironic sort of melancholy, “I was just supposed to drive him to his colonoscopy… it's also a little bit funny so, you know, I was due for an embarrassing story.”
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