Anybody who can take an educated guess at the price of a banana is aware that things seem to be getting more expensive at the moment. It's not as easy out there for the average joe to afford the little things that make life worth living, like that fancy coffee before work, or doing whippets in the parking lot of said workplace.
Unfortunately, though, some dudes sat down a long time ago and decided we have to have this thing called "capitalism", and part of that involves things getting more expensive over the years for reasons known only to those who have any idea where that pesky invisible hand is.
However, that doesn't mean that people are going to take these things sitting down. In fact, some have a few strong words to say about the issues that affect them, namely when it comes to Taco Bell. Redditors have recently been amused by an incensed former customer who decided to send their local branch a strongly worded letter complaining about their minimal price increases.
Needless to say, nobody was impressed with the overwrought statement. Strangely enough, a large fast food chain probably isn't going to notice the loss of a single, occasional customer.