What's funnier than a fart joke? Not much, if you ask my little brother. Or my cousins. Or my boyfriend. Or me. With the exception of maybe penis jokes, fart jokes reign supreme - and they're something both men and women can relate to. Who knew that the one thing humanity could agree upon was the hilarity of flatulence?
Maybe if the world got together, held hands, and farted simultaneously, we could achieve world peace. We'd count to three, toot, and then join one another in raucous laughter. We could laugh at the sounds: some farts sound like a trombone in an echoey cavern, while others sound like an airy whisper passing through hesitant lips. We could also laugh at the smells: the familiar rotten egg of stereotypical gas, or the rotting smell of garbage, which often occurs after a cruciferous meal, something with lots of broccoli. We can also just laugh at the fact that we accept this arguably ridiculous bodily function. Whatever the case, we're here to have fun with some memes that make us laugh at the expense of our bodies.