No matter what our nationality, many of us get a certain image in their head when it comes to the land of the free. Alongside all the stereotypes about cars, guns, and obesity, a lot of us associate the U.S. with its sprawling expanse of green grass suburbs. From TV shows to memes, they spend so much time featured in the American media that the rest of the world consumes that they have become a kind of immediate backdrop to how the country is perceived elsewhere.
What it's easy to forget is that this isn't the standard in other places. In fact, it can be pretty confusing to somebody who has never seen or lived in them, as one Slovakian Redditor has revealed to the internet. After watching a video about the American suburbs, they had quite a few bemused questions — and a lot of people felt like they actually made sense. When you really think about it, it is weird compared to a lot of other places that the only public transportation around is the school bus, and that you have to drive to get to the nearest store. Just because we're used to certain ways of living, it doesn't mean that they are always the norm.