We get it, everyone uses the term "irony" incorrectly. Technically "irony" describes a situation where there's an implied meaning that's incongruent with the literal meaning. FINE. But the way everyone actually uses the word irony is "when a fitting, humorous coincidence happens." Let's agree to disagree and say that a lot of these terrific coincidences aren't without some small amount of irony, since there's some subtext to each image. How about that? Does that make you happy? We know it doesn't, but we don't care.
All we want to do is enjoy those little moments of life that are just way too perfect. Narratively speaking, it's pretty awesome when a guy named "Rob" gets robbed. That's something we can all enjoy. Except maybe Rob. Maybe he should have been named Skip.
So here are some fun images to sink your eyes into. And for an extra dash of strangeness, here are some blursed images of concerning hilarity.
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