We are staunchly in the summertime, which means there's no escape from the indomitable orb of the sun and the atmosphere's various strategies of humidifying. Remember, this isn't the hottest summer of your life; it's the coldest summer of the rest of your life. While summertime might be the seasonal favorite of many, I tend to prefer autumn. My favorite thing about September, October, and November is guessing what will be seasonally appropriate to wear. Every day is a different story, resulting in some creative outfit choices. The winter has the opposite fashion problem, where you can just wear the same seven sweaters weekly. The weather, and the clothes, are consistently mediocre. Springtime is one of the most elusive seasons; I can never tell when it begins. When it finally gets on, it will last for six weeks tops. Luckily, memes will follow us through all these seasons, making them a perfect treat for today, tomorrow, and yesterday.