After 39 years, Klondike announced that they were discontinuing the beloved Choco Taco. Millennials who grew up with this tasty snack as being on of their favorites from the ice cream truck or the corner store are absolutely heartbroken. Yes, maybe in recent years the only Choco Taco you could find was buried at the bottom of the store's cooler and covered in icicles and taste a little chewy and freezer burn-y, but you still love it! With everything we've had to endure over the past several years, why would you discontinue an obviously very popular dessert?? Millennials feel extra hurt by this move by Klondike for nostalgic reasons. It's like, we already can't afford to buy our own homes and we don't want to have kids because the boomers have absolutely obliterated our planet—now you're going to take our favorite ice cream treat way?? Why don't you just pour a butt load of salt onto that wound, whydon'tcha?!
Some conspiracies have come around, like one saying that this is just a marketing ploy and it's giving the treat free advertisement for its inevitable return. Another has said they've discontinued it because of the "Woke" crowd calling it "culture appropriation." Others are saying most people haven't even enjoyed one in years and this is viralness in its demise is the first time they've even thought of Choco Taco in a decade. But either way, the hurt is still there and it's real. If you don't wanna taco bout it, that's fine—let these memes help.
How could they do this to us?! It's a conspiracy!
We will always look to the skies for advice from the great Choco Taco.
It was MORE than just a dessert.
This goes much deeper than we think. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
Another legend lost. R.I.P.
Better stock up now before it's too late!
A very sad taco Tuesday…
We shall stand up for what's right! #fightforchocotaco
A dessert that changed the world!
Tbh, I wouldn't even be mad if this were the truth…
*Holding back tears*
Taking this matter to Washington now!
We promise to always put flowers on your grave.
Even Seinfeld needs a Choco Taco.
Celebrity deaths always come in threes…
I don't wanna laugh, but I can't help it—Choco Taco would've wanted it!
Some people just don't understand.
When one door closes, another opens—perhaps the Choco Taco beer is next! (…Actually, let's hope not.)