Animal Comedy Newsletter

Jude the Heartwarming and Emotional Hamster Acts Sad When He Doesn't Get His Way


Do you remember Hamtaro? The early 2000's anime scene was dominated by this affectionate and emotional little cartoon rodent and he stole the hearts of millions all over the world. Similarly, in today's Internet scene, Jude is recreating the same obsessive following due to his overwhelming cuteness and expressiveness. 



On TikTok, Jude and his hamsterly siblings, have become famous for simply being themselves. Their owner, Jaz, shares her love for her pets, teaches her viewers how to properly care for rodents, and shares videos of some of their cutest moments. Jude undoubtedly has the strongest following due to one video in particular, where he is simply irresistibly cute. 


In the video, Jude has his tiny, pink paw plastered on the glass of his cage, gazing longingly at Jaz so that she'll open the cage for him. His beady black eyes glisten with anticipation and love as he imagines being held in the hand of his keeper, with the promise of fresh, hand-fed treats. He eagerly awaits his release with his teensie nose waggling and wiggling his whiskers tickling the ends of his bloated cheeks. 



Jaz says, “No, you can't come out right now, I have to go shower”. Boom. Heartbreaking. 


Then Jude proceeds to wilt, like an unwatered flower, wallowing in sadness with his excitement deflating his entire physical form. He crumbles in sorrow, his little world collapsing in front of him and his hopes shattered. Honestly, this range of emotion is completely visible and not what you would expect from a hamster



The whole video is truly hilarious because you can see him deflate at the news. Does this tiny rodent understand English? SO CUTE


Whole video:



Jude isn't only just sad though. He shows enthusiasm, elation, excitement, happiness, and confusion. He really emotes the entire human-scale of emotions and it's just so cute. He's the real life Hamtaro-- he's got it all!



Anyone who was afraid of rodents before or just don't like rat-type creatures because they have a tail, a hamster is the pet for you. They're as expressive and wonderful as a tiny dog, showing affection on the full scale and cuddling just like how we would want any furry creature to. Jude is an inspiration and shows us how realistic our childhood fantasies of bringing Hamtaro into our own home. 


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