Kyle likes to go above and beyond.
"You've just matched with a short Waluigi, bag that man." -JustSomethin313
"I definitely didn't read that as 'above average cook'??" - Ok-Balance-2203
"Especially following the point before it ??" - 50_cal95
"If that before/during/after graph doesn't seal the deal for you everytime, I'm not sure what would." -casman_007
"Kyle has finally cracked the code of showing us all how PowerPoint can be exciting and fun. Corporate America: listen and learn." -Ok-Hamster5571
"If this doesn't produce incredible return and results, then there's little hope for the rest of us." -bigwall79
Was I too harsh? What are your thoughts?
"Pro-tip: if you have a "type," and the person you're talking to isn't of that type but you'd like to keep seeing them anyway, there's no reason to tell them what your type is." -sadolddrunk
"Throw back to the time when I met a girl on tinder who said I was short at 6'1.
She said she'd only date guys that are 6'5 or taller.
That gives her a pretty small margin of men to work with tbh, given that the average height in the UK for a man is like 5'9.
Edit: My bad, was off on the average height by an inch. It is in fact 5'9 not 5'10" -B0neCh3wer
"Me with my 5'5 height: welp guess I'll head out." -AsideRealistic9557
So this actually works???
"Everyday this sub reminds me on why I should just stick to being alone." -Greyy59
"Yeah ok, I give up. No wonder guys sound like pigs on this app..." -PitchInteresting9928
"I don't actually do such things but the fact that she only answered to that was annoying tbh." -om3ga2379
Feel like I dodged a bullet here
"Using proper capitalization is considered weird now?" -gate_of_steiner85
"Not at all. It's normally done automatically. I haven't had to manually capitalize a single letter in this comment. I think it's far stranger that the response was all lowercase." -Fenix_Volatilis
I had been chatting with this girl for a little over a week, it was going well until I told her my height and this was her response.
"Saying you seem like a 'grounded man' right after saying you're too short seems like a backhanded compliment..." -Fuquawi
"I'm dating a guy that's shorter than me and so far no one has tried to assassinate me from a rooftop." -TeaWizzle
None of it makes sense
"If your pillow fort gets in the way of my blanket fort, we're going to war." -enough-rope
"'What happened to hello, how are you' is an audio from tiktok, just for some context lol" -no_stone_unturned_
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you in Fort Kickass." -revrinbadass
That escalated quickly...
Vroom vroom
"Ah, the old smash and dash." -Building-Careful
"Someone please explain to me how a sweet piece like this is single." -beansntoast21
The planet is in danger guys
"She's just sandboarding. Honestly, I thought it was funny, I'd have no chance but I'd swipe right."
"That's hilarious actually." -xSevent17n
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