My local farmers/community generously put out produce/clothing/canned goods for anyone to take if they need and someone wrote this (the produce really is not that bad!)
"Rotten is bad. But produce in grocery stores is usually under-ripe. Picture perfect is not usual.
I've been very poor. I'm just glad I didn't have small children then. I sure as hell would not bitch about free food." -Aer0uAntG3alach
Pepperoni on what??
"Should've sent her a none pizza with meat on the left...." -Magellan-88
She needs a sperm donor and child support.
"16 years old? "Natural breeding sessions"? ??????" -moimoisauna
"she wants him to terminate parental rights AND pay child support?" -halfofaparty8
"She's got that backward. If she wants a stud she better be prepared to pay stud fees." -beathelas
"That's an expensive lay." -jilsx
Entitled neighbour brings the neighborhood wifi down
Gave away a free futon on FB...
"you made someone shower today. i am proud of you" -Themetrios666
You pay me $500/ month to be a live-in personal chef.
"Only caviar" ??
"It's a shame he can't go down the stairs because of all the caviar." -ShoeboxLandlord"The rent covers the monthly caviar cost." -Zoreb1
"He consulted a sturgeon, but his condition is inoperable." -LitreOfCockPus
"I love how not being able to go downstairs also means his arms are broken so he can't fold laundry either." -JDTexas84
Is it against the law to withhold someone from checking their mail?
"I'm not completely sure, but I believe that's a federal felony of interfering with mail delivery. Call your postmaster and ask." -NthngToSeeHere
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