Received in the mail from a concerned neighbor (context in comments)
"Context: I haven't been able to care for my yard as much as I would like over the past few months because we had our second child back in February and I've been single-handedly caring for the newborn and our 5-year-old while my wife has been in the hospital recovering from postpartum complications. At no point has my yard been out of compliance with city or HOA ordinances, and at no point has anyone bothered to approach me directly about the matter. Instead, we just received this anonymous passive-aggressive letter in the mail. They even postmarked it and sent it through the mail, rather than walking a few doors down and speaking to me like a human being." -mahelke
Racist Karen left this note.
*gasp* imagine having the audacity to walk barefoot in your own apartment
"Probably a heel walker like my wife. A sledgehammer would make less impact." -Bertations
"Had a flatmate that sounded like he was deliberately trying to crack through the floor he was so heavy-footed. We were in an upstairs flat with floorboards so I dread to think what it was like for the downstairs neighbour." -makeinstall
Triggered by a 9 yrold
"I did some refereeing of elementary and middle school games when I was in high school. We were encouraged to do it by our coaches
Karens will absolutely fight with a kid about a 5th grade basketball game." -Billy_T_Wierd
Karen want to get rid of her fiancé's 5 years old kid.
MYOB Karen!
this Karen got owned by my boss.
"?????? @ "please don't come back" ??????" - xoolwyama
From a concerned citizen
"My 'Mother' thinks she entitled to one of my properties lol."
My MiL locked me out of my own house 3 days in a row
Has her kids play on a phone during a movie.. upset when they get kicked out.
EK breaks store policy and is upset with outcome
Found this review a few years ago. Imagine thinking you’re entitled to take someone’s tips because you don’t have enough money.
Why are people like this?
Customer is upset that a mattress store won’t… help them move…?
"Even after we offered to pay" so they prob tried to get them to move it for free first lmao - Ok-Offer331
Babysitter wanted
13 hours/day, 4 kids, for $1.15/hour - agutema
Don't let people know how much I am underpaying them!
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