Whenever we're straight up not having a good time when it comes to our daily routine, we begin to plan our next travel adventure. After all, we can't be down in the dumps for too long if we have another adventure to look forward to. We may not be looking forward to the flight, but we are looking forward to the destination. When they said that it's about the journey rather than the destination, they definitely weren't talking about the flight. No matter where the plane is taking us, we know for a fact that we're getting far, far away from whatever problems we're battling with and have no intention of looking back anytime soon. Eventually, we'll have to face the music, but right now, we're enjoying all the vacation vibes up in the sky, and we have the best travel memes to match. Scroll down for the best travel memes of the week.
Too bad, lose this number.
We need English now.
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