Finance Dude Roasted For Sharing a 'Wealth Hack' on LinkedIn That's Literally Just Stealing

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  • 01
    Font - L Abortion = Healthcare @ReckJason Replying to @austin_rief I've just been going into fast food restaurants and picking up those free bags of food they keep leaving out. It's so cute they give them names. I had a James for lunch and a Tiffany for dinner. They usually even have receipts on them, so l think it's a "pay it forward" scenario 12:12 AM - 10/24/22 Twitter for Android 104 Retweets 8 Quote Tweets 4,676 Likes
  • 02
    Font - Dave @ddubey89 TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS Replying to @austin_rief У MAJU6 @ykmaj6 WALMART is giving out FREE school supplies to anyone who can outrun security. 9:46 AM - 2021-07-30 · Twitter for iPhone 23.4K Retweets 1,869 Quote Tweets 138K Likes 12:44 PM 10/24/22 Twitter for iPhone ● 39 Retweets 1,667 Likes :
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  • 03
    Font - Mr.America R www @Doc McShockens R Replying to @austin_rief 3 free meals ain't worth having to live in NYC. 11:39 AM 10/23/22 Twitter for iPhone 6 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 1,270 Likes
  • 04
    Font - basehead @basehead Replying to @austin_rief and @raaleh this reminds me of that Todd Barry standup bit about telling the hotel your internet didn't work and getting it refunded (back when it cost money).. "so your secret travel tip.. is stealing..?" 1:22 PM 10/24/22 Twitter for iPhone 13 Likes ●
  • 05
    Font - Lock HIM up @trexgirl Replying to @austin_rief As an ex server in a hotel bar, this happened to me more than once and THEY TOOK THE MONEY OYTNOF MY PAYCHECK! Don't do this; you are hurting the servers. 4:21 PM 10/24/22 Twitter for iPhone ● 25 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 928 Likes
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  • 06
    Organism - Joel Libava @FranchiseKing 3d Replying to @austin_rief That's not a "personal finance" tip. 27 333 ↑ onan the barbarian () @afive.... 2d personal finance tip: rob an armored car 277 253 ↑
  • 07
    Font - CELLIC AMEJUICN 250 wittle bunny @SabeKi.... 3d Replying to @austin_rief Lol 00 We are at the "stealing is financial advice" of the market cycle 6 27 958 ↑ Matt 'Profit Greenly' Herndon - 2d Crypto advice has been this for literally years. "Get in on my pump! I will definitely, surely, absolutely tell you before the dump comes." Q1 27 2 201 ↑
  • 08
    Product - gall Sall MEANS Phredish Never Trades @Phredi... • 2d Replying to @austin_rief 2 The secret ingredient is crime. t62 2,879 ↑ Lucy Anda @malfunctiongirl-21h In truth, isn't crime the ultimate classic "wealth hack"? 27 10 MILT ↑
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  • 09
    Font - Nobe @nobedevil - 1d Replying to @austin_rief I love how tweets like this are always full of replies like "StEaLiNg FrOm GiAnT cOrPoRaTiOnS iS wRoNg!" 3 12 22 27 Wuzupdawk @wuzupdawk. 1d Most hotels are managed or licensed to large corporations (e.g. Marriott, Hilton) but are owned by small businesses. But again, justify theft any way you like. It's still a crime. 3 ↑. 16
  • 10
    Font - Theron Corse @TheronC. 2d Replying to @austin_rief I will walk into a fancy hotel like I own the place to find a clean bathroom, but stealing food has not occurred to me. 27 2 2 284 ↑ steve @spsnomad. 1d Same. I've also stashed suitcases with the bell stand at hotels I didn't stay at (and tipped them, of course. I'm not a monster.) 2 12 91 ↑
  • 11
    Font - cai (halloween word) @AnneNotation Replying to @austin_rief and @BondWolfie "Have you heard of this amazing cost-cutting technique known as stealing?" 3:50 PM - 10/24/22 Twitter for iPhone . 10 Retweets 475 Likes
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  • 12
    Bird - Chuchamunga @Ericwil906488.... 2d Replying to @austin_rief Ah man this guy is going to ruin my much lower-grade grift of using the hotel bathroom instead of the gas station on road trips. 3 27 2 121 ↑ Mel B, Ph.D. @curious_cynic. 1d Yes! All throughout my years in NYC, I always used hotel bathrooms instead of Starbucks or whatever. 27 2 ↑


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