Women getting into a new relationship or taking the plunge into marriage have been turning to the matriarchal figure of their family for love advice for centuries. It's only natural to want to know what the “secret” is to having a long and happy relationship. However, as humanity grows and changes, some of the advice goes from helpful to just plain offensive. It's like a joke that didn't age well. Grandmothers saying not to be “too smart” in front of your man, because it will turn them off. Or mothers saying to sacrifice your own comfort and safety to make sure you “satisfy” your man. Those are just plain wrong now. A good man who loves you should be proud of how smart you are. And you should both feel comfortable and safe in the relationship, it shouldn't be just the man.
Recently, a redditor asked people to share some of that now dated advice and it just gets worse and worse.

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