'Please Don't Come Home From College With A Boy' : Family Ends Up Liking Her Boyfriend More Than She Does


It's time for a wholesome piece, guys. @Kyleekrug uploaded the most heartwarming (and kind of ironic) video we've seen in a while, and it has got us in the FEELS. The video begins with quotations of what her family had said to her when going off to college. A few short seconds later, we're shown what went down after she did in fact, bring home a boyfriend. Actually, scratch that — she didn't bring home a boyfriend, she brought home a son. It's pretty obvious that her family members are absolutely in love with the guy, and it appears to be pretty mutual! Scroll down to see for yourself.




On the other hand, her mother disagrees. Continue scrolling ;)




Ah yes, but her grandparents seem on her father's side.




There seem to be quite a few differences of opinion, don't you think? But the best is yet to come… Cries joyfully.




That just about paints the perfect picture of how close they became. You can tell they have a special connection. Is it adorable or what?




Literally giving the family massages. That is a keeper right there, ladies. THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.




The love is obviously mutual, as her dad is combing her boyfriend's hair. This is too wholesome.




Cuddle time! They look so comfortable with one another. 





More massages. This guy better be charging by the minute! Lol, just kidding.





And to top it all off, a beautiful photo of the couple together. You can just tell they're in love. I'm not jealous, you're jealous. Cough, cough. Ahem, anyway, just in time for cuffing season, ammiright?


Full Heartwarming Video


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