It's incredible how often new managers and owners fail to learn not to touch things until they understand them. Except, they're usually so wrapped up and embroiled in their own egos that they're blinded to logic or reason. Desperate to prove themselves and their competence — they proceed to make the most incompetent and inconceivable changes to things that should have been left well enough alone. From there, the predictable happens: The workplace and/or budgets spiral out of control, and the boss's boss and boss's boss's boss are left wondering what the hell happened. At that point, the new boss either needs to find a scapegoat or is sent running with their tail tucked between their legs back to manager school.
Keep reading for this delightful tale of malicious compliance. Feel free to complain about the amount of malicious compliance content I've been farming in the comments below.
For more glorious workplace malicious compliance, check out this guy who wanted to take smoking breaks and found another way to "smoke."
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