'There is no such thing as a day off': Hypocrite manager demands employee cover shift on day off, but won't discuss sick leave on their own day off


It's people like this manager that make you regret ever doing anyone a favor. When you give people like this inch, they're going to take another — and they'll keep taking inches until they have… a whole lotta inches. So, it's better to avoid giving up any inches in the first place; you keep those inches for yourself. 

via u/Bubbly_Environment78

In a thread posted yesterday to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, Redditor u/Bubbly_Environment78 (OP) shared screenshots of an interaction that happened with their terrible manager toward the end of last year. The manager messaged the worker looking to see if they were available to cover a weekend shift, and the worker replied that they would be willing to cover part of the day. This was when things unraveled, and the manager replied that they “Need [a] full day.” 

The worker retorted, and the boss replied that “There is no such thing as a day off.” 

Enter the following day, the worker tried to text their boss and ask them if their sick leave had been entered, and the boss responded with a very ironic “I am off today.”


Predictably, readers have taken to roasting the manager for their complete and utter self-awareness. The original poster even responded in the comments to add that their terrible boss had been fired for something (presumably) unrelated earlier this year.

Keep reading for the full screenshots of the exchange and the reactions. For more workplace stories, check out this server who was saddled with a dine-and-dasher's bill by her employer.


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