
A Thread of Hackneyed Jokes and Memes That Should Probably Go Extinct

  • 1
    Rectangle - ElytraXD • 7d S 30 Awards Your mom jokes. They're old and they've been done by pretty much everyone. Just like your mom ... Reply 32.5k

    "I was reading this while laying in bed and I laughed so hard your mom rolled over and asked what was so funny." said u/dma1965.

    "Saw the punchline from a mile away, just like your mom" said u/netflix-ceo.

    "Yeah well the whore store called they are all out of your mom" said u/Whole_Tip504.

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  • 2
    Font - birchmoss 6d The perfect x doesn't exist- ... Reply 9.4k
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    Rectangle - pper_lord • 7d 1 Award "Spontaneous funny situations" that are clearly staged. ... Reply 20.9k

    "Worst tiktoks I've seen are people asking 'strangers' on the street 'I'll pay you $100 to go to Japan and do X', and the tiktok is just a 30 second travel vlog. Like cool, you wanted to travel, you don't need to trick your viewers to be interested" said u/PennyCDL.

    "But they do have to try to trick people to watch because they aren't really worth watching." said u/bennypapa.

  • 4
    Eye - BurlieGirl 6d "That's it, that's the tweet." ... Reply 9.5k

    "This comment, right here" said u/ChocolateChip2019.

    "This guy right here, officer" said u/gxddbou.

    "How do I delete someone else's comment?" said u/khornflakes529.

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  • 5
    Rectangle - jammerx20 6d 3 1 Award Quiet kid jokes, they're always so predictable and the punchline is always the same ... Reply 6k

    "Whats worse is that's it's actually usually not 'the quiet kids', it's usually the kids that you can see being a problem a mile away. The Columbine kids weren't bullied, they were the bullies" said u/PapaBradford.

  • 6
    Font - smol1_6d 2 Awards "Tell me x without telling me x" Reply 9.4k

    "Just here to say I'm done with the 'put a finger down if you' followed by three minutes of a crazy story followed by the person putting a finger down." said u/FattyTheNunchuck.

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    Rectangle - RUk1dd1nGMe • 6d 3 4 Awards Today years old. It was funny exactly once, now it just sounds idiotic Reply7k
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    Rectangle - Xanthyria. 6d 1 Award "Not the x we deserve but the x we need" or whatever it is. For every single damn thing ... Reply 20.9k

    "This and every other canned reddit comment. For example:
    'Instructions unclear. Penis now stuck somewhere supposedly humorous.'
    'Here's a poor man's gold'
    'Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.'
    'Fuck around and Find out'
    'You sir just won the internets'
    'Yes officer, this post right here'
    'And my axe!'
    'Thanks I hate it'
    Edit: 'Can't believe my top rated comment is about generic topic'
    Edit 2: 'Thanks for the gold kind stranger'" said u/TheCouncil0fRicks.

    "Don't forget 'I also pick this guy's wife'" said u/Roozyj.

  • 9
    Font - Hi_Tony • 6d 2 Awards Item doesn't ring up at register..."That must mean it's free!" ... Reply 15.6k

    "sigh when I was a waiter it was always:
    'Hey guys, anything else I can get for ya?'
    'hOw AbOuT a MiLlIoN dOlLaRs???'
    Hardy har har. I havent heard that one 3 dozen times tonight" said u/Slyrunner.

    "I once replied to a customer with, 'We don't have anything on the menu as cheesy as that.' His whole family laughed at him and I got no tip and a nice talking-to from my shift manager." said u/itsmeazp.

  • 10
    Rectangle - MDC08. 6d 2 Awards "Tell me you don't know "I you don't know I mean, fuck that one from inception. ... without telling me Reply 10.8k

    "It's not even a joke, it's just people being condescending" said u/ExquisiteURL.

    "I recently asked about how the plaintiffs in a certain lawsuit had standing, and someone responded, 'Tell me you're not a lawyer without telling me you're not a lawyer.' Gee, ya think? If I had a law degree I wouldn't be asking people on reddit questions about standing. Hilariously absurd." said u/gimpwiz.

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  • 11
    Font - OysterLucy 6d ● "Thank you for coming to my TED talk" after a paragraph Do people still attend TED talks? Reply ↑ 4k ↓
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    Font - Old Timey Medicine • 7d 1 Award Asking about cars extended warranty Reply 3.3k
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    Rectangle - Pansukki • 7d FUCKING OHIO MY BRAIN IS GETTING DESTROYED BY IT ... Reply 2.1k
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  • 14
    Font - Appropriate-Tour-540 • 7d 4 Awards The "I hate my spouse" jokes. Nobody thinks it funny if someone is miserable in your marriage, and you just come off as an ass. ... Reply 11.2k

    "'I hate my wife.'
    'Father, I cannot click the book.'"said u/Sunny64888.

  • 15
    Rectangle - Dash Underscore • 7d 1 Award "Sir/Ma'am, this is a Wendy's." Overused to death, and many times I see it it doesn't even work as a response. Reply 42.7k
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    Font - The Superginge. 6d S No one: Not anyone: 6 Awards Not even ever: Me: "this joke format was fucking annoying when I first saw it let alone the thousands of times afterwards." Reply 12.8k

    "POV [point of view] is getting on my nerves. You can just caption it without the "POV" and it works" said u/archfapper.

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  • 17
    Font - Really Sampy • 6d 31 Award Maybe not a joke but I wish it would die: "I don't know who needs to hear this but..." on socials. Like, you're not some damn channel receiving important messages from God. Also, of COURSE you don't fucking know who needs to hear it, you're saying it to like 500-10,000 people? How would you ever know? It's just a stupid way to sound like "oh man, I super don't even wanna make this video, I'm kinda embarrassed and shy it's just SO important cause someon
  • 18
    Rectangle - MistbornSynok. 6d 31 Award You've heard of Elf on a shelf... Reply 3.8k

    "Now get ready for joke that went broke" said u/KungThulhu.

  • 19
    Human body - thewolfinthenight. 7d You working hard or hardly working? Reply 10.2k

    "I'm hardly laughing." said u/Murder_Not_Muckduck.


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