Not to sound stereotypical or anything - but one thing we can't deny is that as women, our emotions tend to be all over the place. We swear we can go through a day with 20 mood swings and 10 to spare. Sometimes we blame ourselves for our rollercoaster of emotions. But other times (like today), we own it, and actually now that we've thought about it - we blame everyone around us.
Because if you look at it from a rational point of view, how does one not go crazy when working a full-time job, all while up-keeping a home with a husband and kids? Women, especially mothers, are one of the strongest people in the world. Not only can they do it all but they quite literally do. it. all. So excuse us if once in a while we get a little moody because NO ONE HELPS US IN THIS HOUSE.
Honestly, sometimes we don't even know what mood were in ourselves. Have to take some time to figure out our own attitude ??
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