I don't know about you, but my perception of time and how it passes has been pretty wonky as of late. Spending these long hours sitting in front of my laptop as I get older and not wiser, the absolute weight of existence. It's all starting to take its toll. The sad truth, though, is we never owned any of this time to begin with. After you consider your fast-paced career, soul-crushing responsibilities like, uh, chores, and the bare minimum of caring for our families (or pets), there's a pretty palpable lack of seconds that we're ableto devote to self-care. And that, my friends, is a pretty serious problem. Life is way too short to be living like this. It's high time we take back those stolen minutes and seconds that should have always been ours. Honestly, we need them to feel human. So we're here to help that cause with some random memes to help you ease into doing things for *you*. Cuz nothing says self-care like scrolling through achingly relatable and incredibly stupid memes.