Not everyone is blessed with thoughtful, or at least kind, neighbors. Some of us have to deal with the tyrannical sort, the people who make life difficult when it really doesn't have to be. One guy took to Reddit, sharing his infuriating experience with an entitled neighbor of his. See, he was coming home from a late shift one night, and there was no parking available because of an event in the neighborhood. Tired, frustrated, and exhausted from work, he decided to park in front of his neighbor's home, covering the driveway ever so slightly.
He was in no way blocking his neighbor's car and even left a note. The next morning, at 7 am sharp, he received an angry phone call about the matter. His neighbor demanded he comes down immediately to move his car. He complied with his neighbor's request, only to find that porridge had been thrown all across his windshield. Furious, he confronted the neighbor about it — who had little to say and slammed the door in his face.
This is where the petty revenge comes in. Scroll down to check out the detailed event below. For more, check out these hilarious coworker memes for the employees with one foot out the door.
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