You drive for ages searching for a spot, finally catch one, and then some jerk steals it from you. Tragic. This guy knows the feeling all too well, but at least he knew how to enact some very petty revenge!
U/SloppyMoses shared this story of pure condensed petty revenge that happened when he and his GF tried to get some donuts at a spot that was giving out their last donuts of the night. He writes that there was limited parking space available, and not only did a tiny Vespa steal it, but the driver was pretty rude about it. She said, "Sorry, first come first serve!" The OP disagreed with that — there was still time for him to make a move. He managed to cut the woman in line and make her regret stealing his rightful parking space.
Next, these people shared the moment they knew their significant other was not so bright.
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