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'Does she need her own lift ticket?': Nala the Australian Shepherd Goes Snowboarding With Her Owner, Having More Winter Adventures Than You Ever Will


Most dogs are considered lucky if their owner takes them on extra special walks, like hikes in the forest, coffee dates in the park, or even ocean days at the doggo beach. If that's the case, then one traveling Australian shepherd named Nala is the luckiest pooch in existence. She is the adventure partner to a travel blogger who is an incredibly outdoorsy woman who loves to bring her canine companion along with her, wherever she goes. 


Stephi, Nala's adventuress owner, takes her pooch wherever the wind blows her, which is apparently all over the mountains and beaches of Europe. Recently, one of Stephi's videos went viral and became incredibly controversial when she shared a series of videos of her latest adventure in the snowy peaks of Austria. 

In the video, Nala has the full snowboarding resort experience. She hops up on the lift with Stephi, patiently awaits their arrival at the top, then she happily bombs down the hill at full speed with her owner trailing behind her. To be completely honest, for a high energy dog like an Aussie, this seems pretty peak (no pun intended).

Not surprisingly, their winter galavant was met with copious comments from haters claiming that Nala was being somehow abused in the video. The world seems to be full of haters who just wish that their dog was as cool and capable as Nala. Green is not a good color on y'all.

Fortunately, Nala and Stephi had an equal amount of supporters who thought that their partnership was cool beans. I mean, who doesn't want to have a dog that's badass enough to climb up on a wobbly ski lift then run down the slow with them while they shred? 

In all honesty though, Stephi seems to have a good handle on what her dog, Nala, is capable of and what she's enjoying. From their adventures documented online, it's clear that they spend pretty much every moment together, being daredevils, climbing mountains, and living life to the fullest. It looks to me like Nala is just living out the mountainous goals of my wildest wintery daydreams, enjoying fresh powder, quality time with her best friend, and fresh piney scents in the Alps. What more could a good girl want? 

Snowboard mode: ON 🤍❄️

another year full of adventures 🫶🏼✨


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