Anyone who has a kid knows this… kids are really funny. They're also extremely annoying, but boy are they funny. Whether you're a parent, or you just have a bunch of kids in your life because the people you know are parents, you're exposed to their hilarity. Stand-up comedians are great and all, but you put a toddler on a stage, get him to say a few words, and you're bound to get a round of applause. Moreover, you're gonna leave that room with a whole new dictionary.
Kids yap, they quack, they drool and screech, but most of all, they build the next generation's language. Gen Z is a perfect example. Have you heard the way they speak? As a millennial, I find it almost indecipherable. But hey, my parents had no idea what 'peeps' or 'bff' meant, either so… no complaining here. Change is inevitable.
Scroll down for the most hilarious things kids say that prove they should be in charge of naming things. For more, check out these funny red flag therapy memes.