Geek Universe

Our 10 Favorite Video Game Soundtracks That Make Us Want to Replay the Game

  • 1

    Doom (2016)

    It's hard to put into words just how perfectly Mick Gordon's heavy metal soundtrack for Doom (2016) fits the game's fast-paced, demon-slaying action. Every guitar riff and pounding drum beat syncs up perfectly with the game's gloriously violent combat, making it one of the most exhilarating gaming experiences around. The industrial-metal infused soundtrack perfectly captures the fast-paced, brutal gameplay of the iconic first-person shooter. Each track is a pulse-pounding mix of heavy guitars, thunderous drums, and haunting synths that will make you feel like you're battling demons in Hell itself. 

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  • 2

    The Neverhood

    Composed entirely on a custom-made instrument called "The Musis Machine," Terry Scott Taylor's off-kilter soundtrack for this claymation adventure game is a delightfully weird and whimsical trip. From jazzy scat singing to haunting choral arrangements, the music perfectly complements the game's surreal and quirky visuals. Terry Scott Taylor's playful lyrics and catchy melodies make it impossible not to tap your feet along to the music.

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    Red Dead Redemption 2

    Red Dead Redemption 2's sweeping, orchestral soundtrack perfectly captures the grandeur and tragedy of the game's Old West setting. From the mournful strings of "The Wheel" to the triumphant horns of "American Venom," composer Woody Jackson's score elevates every moment of the game's epic story. From mournful ballads to rousing orchestral pieces, the music transports you to the dusty plains and rugged mountains of the American frontier.

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    While it may not have the bombast of some other entries on this list, C418's minimalist and atmospheric soundtrack for Minecraft is every bit as memorable. The game's serene and contemplative music perfectly matches the calming gameplay, making it the perfect soundtrack for unwinding after a long day. The simple piano and electronic melodies create a sense of wonder and curiosity as you build and explore your blocky world. It's simple, It's beautiful and it's perfect!

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    The Last of Us

    The Last of Us' haunting and emotional soundtrack perfectly captures the game's themes of loss and survival. Composer Gustavo Santaolalla's use of sparse acoustic guitar and atmospheric textures makes it one of the most evocative and unforgettable soundtracks in recent memory. Featuring delicate acoustic guitar, mournful strings, and haunting vocal performances, the music perfectly captures the game's themes of loss, love, and survival.

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    Shadow of the Colossus

    Kow Otani's epic and sweeping score for Shadow of the Colossus perfectly matches the game's grandiose battles against towering creatures. From the majestic horns of "Prologue" to the somber strings of "The Farthest Land," the music adds an extra layer of emotion and awe to the game's already impressive visuals. Each track perfectly captures the grandeur and majesty of the game's towering colossi and beautiful landscapes, making you feel like you're on an incredible journey through a magical and mysterious world.

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    GTA San Andreas

    Few soundtracks capture the spirit of a time and place as well as GTA San Andreas' iconic hip-hop soundtrack. Featuring tracks from artists like N.W.A., Public Enemy, and Dr. Dre, the music perfectly captures the game's gritty, 90s-era Los Angeles setting. The radio stations in Rockstar's classic open-world game are packed with an eclectic and unforgettable mix of 90s hip-hop, funk, soul, and rock music that perfectly captures the vibe and culture of 1990s California.

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    Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

    Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon's synth-heavy soundtrack perfectly captures the game's retro-futuristic, 80s-inspired aesthetic. Composed by Australian duo Power Glove, the music is a nostalgic blend of VHS-era synths, pounding drums, and cheesy, over-the-top hooks. The pulsing beats, driving basslines, and scorching guitar riffs perfectly capture the over-the-top action and cheesy sci-fi aesthetic of the game. 

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    Fallout 3

    Inon Zur's haunting and melancholic score for Fallout 3 perfectly captures the game's post-apocalyptic wasteland. The barren world of Bethesda's classic RPG is brought to life by an unforgettable soundtrack featuring an eclectic mix of 1940s swing, country, and blues music. The music perfectly captures the retro-futuristic vibe of the game's alternate timeline, and the memorable tracks will stick with you long after the game is over.

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    Katamari Damacy

    There's nothing quite like the whimsical and joyous soundtrack for Katamari Damacy. Featuring a mix of J-pop, funk, and electronic music, the music is as playful and colorful as the game's rolling gameplay. Composer Yuu Miyake's catchy melodies and upbeat energy make it impossible not to smile while playing. Just press play on the video, you have never heard anything like this.


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