Animal Comedy Newsletter

Winnie the Cattle Dog is Absolutely Terrified of Cows, Proving to Her Herding Ancestors That She's Not Cut Out to Move the Moo Moos


Most dog breeds are bred for a specific purpose. Humanity went God-mode on the natural selection process and decided centuries ago that we could practically choose the traits our doggo possessed if we bred them with like-minded or similar pups. Now, generations of dogs later, the hoomans have a culmination of different dog breeds with specific traits, jobs, and demeanors. For example, cattle dogs were bred to herd the cows in the field– they're smart, they're fearless, and they're eager to please their owners. However, there's one cattle dog that's missing one crucial trait of her ancestry. Fearlessness.


Meet Winnie. She the one cattle dog in this world that is absolutely, 100%, completely terrified of cows. A purist might ask you what the point of a cattle dog is if they can't get near cattle, but any dog lover would beg that Winnie is exceptional in many other ways to make up for her fearfulness. Firstly, Winnie is flippin' adorable, especially when she's cowering from the moo moos.

Winnie was adopted by her current owner when she was just a wee pup, but her previous owners mentioned that she was a bit of a scaredy cat and also had trouble with reactivity issues. As it turns out, sweet lil Winnie is just simply a scaredy dog. 

However, living on the farm has helped Winnie a lot. Now that she's gotten used to many of the animals, she's much less reactive towards them. 

She's even brave enough to venture towards a baby cow, just to catch their scent. The other dogs on the farm put Winnie to shame with their fearlessness. It's like the tiny family dog knows that the cows are more afraid of him than he is of them. The bovine beauties wouldn't hurt a fly. 

Either way, the whole family still adores Winnie. Just because she can't fulfill her biological calling of moo-ving the cows around the property, doesn't mean that she's a failure; it just means that she's more special than that and perhaps has a different calling. 

We still love her 

Winnie lied on her resume

When the only cow you “cattle dog” isn't scared of is her stuffed moo-moo


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