A verbal promise is only worth the paper it's written on, a lesson that this guy learned from his workplace only after it was too late.
"Boss betrayed me. What do I do?" asked u/JacksAgain, as they sought help from the r/careerguidance subreddit. As the OP explained their job, they wrote that they make six figures at a company, but were still temped by a job offer with a 13% raise. That's a decent salary bump, and after telling their boss, the OP got an instant 17% raise. Great!
But that also came along with a verbal promise. The OP's boss insisted they'd get a promotion in 2023. They really led the OP on, showering them with compliments and praise. Then, out of nowhere, the boss found someone else to swoop in and take the promotion from the OP.
I hope that the OP gets some helpful advice from the commenters, which we've included below. Many people wrote that this OP needs to get everything in writing — that's some great life advice for us all.
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