From the original Playstation to PS5 and whatever the future holds for this gaming console, we bow down to you. Not all gamers are loyal Playstationers, but the ones who are are ride or d!e for this console. They will follow you into the sunset, Playstation. You have been there for them since the '90s and they love you for that. It feels as if Playstation was a sibling and we all grew up together. We're all just evolving and growing in different ways, but always side by side. Don't get us started on the other consoles, we don't wanna hate on any other gamers and their preferences. We're just saying, you can't come between some gamers and their love for the Playstation. That's right THE Playstation. It just keeps getting sleeker and more advance, with some of the most beloved games. And we are here for it. The memes below are for the dedicated Playstationer gamers!