Passive Aggressive Karen Leaves a (Politely) Threatening Note on Her Neighbor's Car, Demanding They Stop Parking on the Public Street; Neighbor Refuses


Everyone's had that one roommate that left post-it notes all over the house regarding their demands. Passive aggressive notes are the only way that some people communicate because, regardless of the words on the note (no matter how threatening or rude), they feel that a note has a certain ‘non confrontational’ quality to it. Just because you're not confronting someone in person, doesn't mean you're not being confrontational. 

One millennial woman, who was heading to a friend's house for a barbecue, got reminded exactly how confrontational the local Karens would be when it came to their property (and adjacent public areas). OP, returned from the lunch to a typed and folded note shoved into the windshield of her car. In the note, this passive aggressive Karen literally asked her never to park near their house again because the car was visible from their family room. 

Apparently having an empty parked car on a public street within view of your home makes your privacy dissolve like this Karen's patience. 


Fortunately for OP, she doesn't live anywhere near the Karen in question, but still the note rubbed her the wrong way. Who did this lady think she was? Even the lordiest lording Karen on the block didn't have the authority to tell anyone where they could park their car. And what was so offensive about OP's car anyways? Did it not fit the ~aesthetics~ of the street. We'll let you speculate just like the commenters did. 

In classic Internet fashion, several folks suggested throwing in a little pettiness to spruce up the response to the Karen's letter. Largely, it seemed like people were pretty keen on sending the “no” message just as clearly, if not more violently, than the original note. 

Obviously OP has the support of all of Reddit, but would they have the gaul to act it out in real life? Well, apparently OP was happy enough to continue parking in front of their house, even though her friend isn't even their immediate neighbor. I suppose pettiness is alive and well in the world and sometimes all it takes is a passive aggressive note (with grammatical errors) to send someone's politeness over the edge. 

Perhaps Karen will think twice next time before making outlandish requests to strangers. For your next bit of juicy stories of Karens getting what they deserve, check out this story of an underling employee who applies for the same position as her toxic ex-boss… and gets it. 


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